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1-Elevate mark _ visual guide _ Sept 2024 M-16x9_Page_1.png

Branding Project Deliverables:

  • Logo design

  • Color palette

  • Brand use guidelines

  • Example documents and templates


Elevate is a new Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Program (IPSE) that provides a person-centered campus experience for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) opportunities to gain academic knowledge, develop career and occupational skills, and advance personal and social development. Elevate welcomes its first cohort of students in 2025.


Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


The visual mark guide gives instructions and guidelines for using the Elevate logo, along with the the university marks on various marketing and communication materials. 


Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


Instructions and guidelines for using the Elevate logo, along with the the university marks on various marketing and communication materials. These pages of the guide indicate the logo color palette and logo varaiations. 

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Elevate Visual Identity Guide | Back Cover 


The visual mark guide gives instructions and guidelines for using the Elevate logo, along with the the university marks on various marketing and communication materials. 


Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


This example document is included in the visual identity guide to accompany instructions on using the Elevate and university marks together in documents along with university brand color palette and assets.


Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


This example document is included in the visual identity guide to accompany instructions on using the Elevate and university marks together in documents along with university brand color palette and assets.


Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


These example document are included in the visual identity guide to accompany instructions on using the Elevate and university marks together in documents along with university brand color palette and assets.

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Elevate Visual Identity Guide 


This is an example of how the Elevate logo can be used on swag and promotional items.


Elevate PowerPoint Presentation 


This slide deck was designed to introduce the Elevate program to various stakeholders across campus


Elevate PowerPoint Presentation 


This slide deck was designed to introduce the Elevate program to various stakeholders across campus

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Elevate Logo Exploration


Initial concepts explored in developing the Elevate Logo

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Elevate Logo


Final Elevate logo option on red background.

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